
2024-01-21 3周

📰 周刊摘录

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AI 反诈:Deepfake 音视频检测技术亮相 CES,准确率超 90%

迈克菲 2023 年 12 月做的一项调查显示,美国人对 Deepfake 的担忧日益显著,近 68% 的受访者表示比去年更担心 Deepfake,33% 的人明确表示遭遇过 Deepfake 骗局或了解相关情况。

于是迈克菲推出了 Project Mockingbird。取这么个名,原因是 Mockingbird(可译为反舌鸟)是一种善于模仿其他鸟类及昆虫、两栖动物的叫声的鸟。

他们的策略是用 AI 打败 AI。

Project Mockingbird 使用 AI 驱动的上下文、行为和类别检测模型的组合,来识别视频中的音频是否可能是 AI 生成的。


迈克菲 CTO Steve Grobman 表示研究团队正在构建 Project Mockingbird 核心技术模块,将这项技术投入产品线中使用。


If there was any question whether Donald Trump was on track to win the Republican nomination, it was answered Monday night by the voters of Iowa.

The first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses delivered him a sweeping victory, offering the most concrete proof yet of his dominance over the Republican Party.

With nearly all the votes counted, Trump’s share was 51 percent. Ron DeSantis finished a distant second at 21 percent, with Nikki Haley at 19 percent. (See maps of the results.)
几乎所有选票都已清点完毕,特朗普的得票率为 51%。罗恩·德桑蒂斯 (Ron DeSantis) 以 21% 的支持率位列第二,尼基·黑利 (Nikki Haley) 的支持率为 19%。 (参见结果地图。)

The result is not surprising or even unexpected, but Trump’s victory is still noteworthy. A year ago, Iowa looked more difficult for the former president. In an upset eight years ago, Iowa voters rejected Trump in favor of Ted Cruz. And unlike the rest of the country, the Iowa political establishment has refused to get in line behind Trump.

Not only did he win in a landslide anyway, but his 30-point margin of victory set a record for a contested Iowa Republican caucus.
无论如何,他不仅以压倒性优势获胜,而且以 30 分的领先优势创下了爱荷华州共和党党团会议的纪录。

Better still for Trump, neither DeSantis nor Haley posted a strong second-place showing that might have bestowed clear momentum for future races. If anything, DeSantis’s second-place finish might dampen Haley’s momentum heading into New Hampshire.

How he won 他是如何获胜的

Trump’s decisive victory was built on his usual — if still remarkable — strengths among working-class and rural voters, who made up a preponderance of the Iowa electorate. In county after county across the Iowa countryside, Trump obtained more than 60 percent of the vote — and sometimes 70 percent — with his rivals languishing in the teens or single digits.
特朗普的决定性胜利是建立在他在工人阶级和农村选民中的一贯优势(尽管仍然引人注目)的基础上的,这些选民在爱荷华州选民中占主导地位。在爱荷华州乡村的一个又一个县,特朗普获得了超过 60% 的选票,有时甚至达到 70%,而他的竞争对手则只有十几或个位数的支持率。

He also excelled among white evangelical Christians and self-described “very conservative” voters — two groups that held him back here eight years ago. It’s a coalition that naturally gives him a commanding advantage in a party that’s disproportionately conservative, working class, evangelical and rural. It was enough for him to win all but one of the state’s counties, with his one defeat by a single vote in Johnson County.

A disappointment for DeSantis 德桑蒂斯的失望

DeSantis’s finish is a serious setback to his already ailing candidacy. He seemed like a perfect fit for Iowa, as the caucus electorate usually favors ideologically conservative candidates. He followed the winning caucus playbook, including campaigning in all 99 counties and earning high-profile endorsements from the state’s governor, many other elected Republicans in the state and prominent evangelical leaders. None of it seemed to make a difference.
德桑蒂斯的结局对他本已不佳的候选人资格来说是一个严重的挫折。他似乎非常适合爱荷华州,因为核心小组选民通常青睐意识形态保守的候选人。他遵循了党团会议获胜的策略,包括在所有 99 个县开展竞选活动,并获得了该州州长、该州许多其他当选共和党人和著名福音派领袖的高度认可。这些似乎都没有什么区别。

The road ahead for him is bleak. No upcoming contest plainly offers DeSantis a better chance of victory, and his poll numbers are even weaker in the states ahead. If he can’t compete in Iowa, it’s hard to imagine where he can. It has raised the question of whether he will continue in the race, though he has said he’s staying in. Either way, Haley has overtaken DeSantis as Trump’s nearest, if still distant, rival.

Haley’s path forward 海莉的前进之路

For Haley, the third-place finish is a disappointment but not dire. She showed important strength among college-educated, independent and suburban voters, who have long been Trump’s greatest skeptics. She defeated Trump by a comfortable margin in precincts where most residents held a four-year college degree. She also won 64 percent of self-described moderates.
对于海莉来说,获得第三名令人失望,但并不可怕。她在受过大学教育的独立选民和郊区选民中展现了重要的力量,这些选民长期以来一直是特朗普最大的怀疑论者。她在大多数居民拥有四年制大学学位的选区以微弱优势击败了特朗普。她还赢得了 64% 自称为温和派的支持者。

Haley’s strength among moderates and college graduates wasn’t enough for second in Iowa, as several late polls suggested, but voters like these will represent a much larger share of later primary electorates. It might just be enough for her to compete in relatively well-educated states with larger numbers of independent voters, including New Hampshire next week — where the polls already show a close and tightening race.

But the results also confirmed that her appeal is extraordinarily narrow, all but confined to those moderate and highly educated voters. She routinely failed to reach 10 percent of the vote in rural, working-class precincts. The entrance polls found that she won just 9 percent among voters who never attended college.
但结果也证实,她的吸引力极其有限,几乎仅限于那些温和且受过高等教育的选民。在农村、工人阶级选区,她的得票率通常达不到 10%。入学民意调查发现,她在从未上过大学的选民中只赢得了 9%。

College-educated and independent voters can only take a candidate so far in a working-class Republican Party. It certainly didn’t take her very far in Iowa on Monday night. There is no path for Haley to win the nomination without greatly expanding her appeal.

More on Iowa 有关爱荷华州的更多信息

In his victory speech, Trump struck an uncharacteristically upbeat tone. “I want to congratulate Ron and Nikki,” he said. “I think they both actually did very well.”
特朗普在胜选演讲中一反常态地表现出乐观的语气。 “我想祝贺罗恩和尼基,”他说。 “我认为他们俩实际上都做得很好。”

Haley congratulated Trump but made the case that the country did not want another Trump-Biden election: “Both lack a vision for our country’s future because both are consumed by the past, by investigations, by vendettas, by grievances,” she said.

Vivek Ramaswamy, the 38-year-old entrepreneur, dropped out of the race after finishing fourth.
38 岁的企业家维韦克·拉马斯瓦米 (Vivek Ramaswamy) 在获得第四名后退出了比赛。

DeSantis and his allies bashed the news media for calling the race a half-hour after the caucuses began, which they said might have biased Iowans who had not yet cast a vote.

Far fewer Iowans voted last night than in 2016. The frigid weather likely kept turnout low. Read five takeaways from the caucuses.
昨晚投票的爱荷华州人比 2016 年少得多。寒冷的天气可能导致投票率较低。阅读预选会议的五个要点。

Trump’s connection with his supporters is one of the most durable forces in American politics, Michael Bender and Katie Glueck write.

Commentary 评论

The battle between DeSantis and Haley for second place doesn’t matter: The general election has already started, Times Opinion’s Michelle Goldberg writes.

The wishful thinking that someone can stop Trump from winning the nomination is coming to an end, Karen Tumulty writes in The Washington Post.

Elevating Haley over DeSantis as the non-Trump candidate only makes a Trump victory easier, Times Opinion’s Ross Douthat writes.

Trump’s win “serves as an endorsement of the constant drumbeat for vengeance that Trump has made the centerpiece of his campaign,” MSNBC’s Hayes Brown writes.
MSNBC 的海耶斯·布朗 (Hayes Brown) 写道,特朗普的胜利“是对特朗普将复仇作为其竞选核心的不断鼓噪的认可”。

News organizations were “irresponsible to call the race for Trump before a remotely representative sample of votes had been counted,” Isaac Schorr writes for Mediaite.
艾萨克·肖尔 (Isaac Schorr) 在 Mediaite 上写道,新闻机构“在统计出具有一定代表性的选票样本之前就宣布特朗普的竞选是不负责任的”。






台湾台积电宣布,由于缺乏熟练工人,其位于亚利桑那州价值 400 亿美元的工厂将再次延期

TSMC, the world’s largest chipmaker, has announced new delays at its $40 million semiconductor site in Arizona, another blow to President Biden’s ambitions to bring manufacturing back to the US — and the thousands of good-paying jobs that come with it.
全球最大的芯片制造商台积电宣布,其位于亚利桑那州的价值 4000 万美元的半导体工厂再次延期,这对拜登总统将制造业带回美国的雄心以及随之而来的数以千计的高薪就业机会构成了又一次打击。

Like with the first delay, TSMC chairman Mark Liu cited during a news conference Thursday a shortage of skilled workers for the delay of production at the second factory.

Back in July, the company said it was having trouble finding workers with specialized expertise required for equipment installation in a semiconductor factory. As a result, TSMC said it would send 500 experienced technicians from Taiwan to train local workers for a short period of time to bridge the skills gap.
早在 7 月份,该公司就表示,很难找到具备半导体工厂设备安装所需专业知识的工人。因此,台积电表示将从台湾派遣500名经验丰富的技术人员对当地工人进行短期培训,以弥补技能差距。

TSMC also said it is having tense negotiations over how much money the US government will provide. At the same time, the firm has not determined the specific chip the second factory would produce.



The first two weeks of 2024 are over, and they brought with them more than 7,500 layoffs in the tech industry.
2024 年的前两周已经结束,科技行业裁员超过 7,500 人。

What exactly is happening? It’s a confluence of things.

😞 A continuing comedown from 2021’s boom (and overhiring)
😞 2021 年的繁荣(和过度招聘)持续下滑

🤖 New priorities—mainly that of generative AI
🤖 新的优先事项——主要是生成式人工智能

🪡 An inherent startup ethos of being nimble
🪡 灵活的固有创业精神



根据数据分析公司 StatCounter 的数据,微软的搜索引擎在 2023 年结束时仅占全球搜索市场的 3.4%,比整合 ChatGPT 前增长了不到 1 个百分点。

不过微软谈新版必应:搜索广告市场份额每增加 1 个百分点,每年可带来 20 亿美元收入


📚 文章

Fastest Way to Read Excel in Python

MethodTiming (seconds)TypesVersion
Openpyxl (readonly)24.79Yes3.1.2
DuckDB (sql)11.36Yes0.9.2
DuckDB (execute)5.73No0.9.2
Calamine (python-calamine)3.58Yes0.22.1 (0.1.7)



国家统计局:2023年国民经济回升向好 高质量发展扎实推进




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